sgcBiometrics 1.4.0 will include a new component called TsgcWinBioUsersINI which allows associate a fingerprint to a user and save data in an INI file.
If you require save user data associated to a fingerprint, example: you can use System Pool Sensor to save fingerprints of different users (until the limit of fingerprints types associated to a single database). You can link this component to a TsgcWinBioFingerPrint component and every time you enroll a new biometric sample, you can save user data like: username, user id...
procedure TFRMFingerPrint.sgcWinBioUsersINI1EnrollUser(Sender: TObject; const User: TsgcBiometrics_WinBio_User); begin User.UserId := '0001'; User.UserName := 'John'; User.UserData := '<xml><phone>656545644</phone></xml>'; User.UserSubType := WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_RH_THUMB; end;
procedure TFRMFingerPrint.sgcWinBioUsersINI1IdentifyUser(Sender: TObject; const aUnitId: Integer; const aIdentity: WINBIO_IDENTITY; const aSubFactor: WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_SUBTYPE; const aRejectDetail: WINBIO_REJECT_DETAIL; const User: TsgcBiometrics_WinBio_User); var vSubFactor: String; begin case aSubfactor of WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_RH_THUMB: vSubFactor := 'RH_THUMB'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_RH_INDEX_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'RH_INDEX_FINGER'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_RH_MIDDLE_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'RH_MIDDLE_FINGER'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_RH_RING_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'RH_RING_FINGER'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_RH_LITTLE_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'RH_LITTLE_FINGER'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_LH_THUMB: vSubFactor := 'LH_THUMB'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_LH_INDEX_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'LH_INDEX_FINGER'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_LH_MIDDLE_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'LH_MIDDLE_FINGER'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_LH_RING_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'LH_RING_FINGER'; WINBIO_ANSI_381_POS_LH_LITTLE_FINGER: vSubFactor := 'LH_LITTLE_FINGER'; end; end;
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