sgcBiometrics 1.4.0 will include a new component called TsgcWinBioUsersINI which allows associate a fingerprint to a user and save data in an INI file.
If you require save user data associated to a fingerprint, example: you can use System Pool Sensor to save fingerprints of different users (until the limit of fingerprints types associated to a single database). You can link this component to a TsgcWinBioFingerPrint component and every time you enroll a new biometric sample, you can save user data like: username, user id...
How Works
1. Drop a TsgcWinBioFingerPrint component.2. Drop a TsgcWinBioUsersINI component.
3. Link TsgcWinBioFingerPrint.Users property to TsgcWinBioUsersINI object.
4. Handle TsgcWinBioUsersINI events to set (OnEnrollUser) and get (OnIdentifyUser) user data.