From sgcWebSockets 4.3.6, Google Cloud Pub/Sub API is supported.
Pub/Sub brings the flexibility and reliability of enterprise message-oriented middleware to the cloud. At the same time, Pub/Sub is a scalable, durable event ingestion and delivery system that serves as a foundation for modern stream analytics pipelines. By providing many-to-many, asynchronous messaging that decouples senders and receivers, it allows for secure and highly available communication among independently written applications. Pub/Sub delivers low-latency, durable messaging that helps developers quickly integrate systems hosted on the Google Cloud Platform and externally.
sgcWebSockets Google Cloud Pub/Sub component uses Rest API to connect to Google API. Find below an example of how create a new topic.
//Create a new topic for project with id: pubsub-270909 and topic name topic-1. oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil); oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := '... your google client id...'; oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := '... your google client secret...'; oPubSub.CreateTopic('pubsub-270909', 'topic-1'); //Response from Server { "name": "projects/pubsub-270909/topics/topic-1" }
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