By Admin on Thursday, 12 December 2019
Category: Releases

sgcWebSockets 4.3.2

Changes included in this version:

[+] : Added support for Android 64bits in Rad Studio 10.3.3 Rio.
[+] : Added support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 for Indy based components. *Requires custom Indy version (Beta)
[+] : New Event OnSSLALPNSelect in TsgcWebSocketServer and TsgcWebSocketServerHTTP. *Requires custom Indy version (Beta)
[+] : Added Support for ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation) for Server and Client components based on Indy. *Requires custom Indy version (Beta)
[+] : New Property "Port" in TsgcIoTAmazon_MQTT_Client, by default uses port 8883. If port is 443, uses ALPN automatically to connect. *Requires custom Indy version (Beta)
[+] : New Property "ECDHE" in OpenSSL_Options of Server component, allows to fix chrome warning when using RSA with TLS 1.2
[+] : Updated Demo Chat to show the use of OpenSSL API 1.0 and 1.1.

[*] : Fixed Bug compiling XE8 package for OSX.
[*] : Fixed Bug SGC Protocol, when server publish a message in a channel with qosLevel1 or qosLevel2, message never was sent to client.

Android 64 bits

sgcWebSockets 4.3.2 adds official support for Android 64bits for Delphi.

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Custom Indy Package (Beta)

In latest years, Indy have not been updated or only fixes have been applied, and several new features have not been implemented which are very important for sgcWebSockets package. To fix this, I've been working in latest months to provide a custom indy package with more features. From sgcWebSockets 4.3.2 a new sgcWebSockets package is released, at Beta state at this moment. This package includes all Indy required sources, so there is no need to install Indy in your IDE (but there are no conflicts if exists, because indy sources have been renamed). New features included in this version are: support for OpenSSL 1.1, support for ALPN and minor bugs and fixes.

Indy OpenSSL 1.1 API

Latest Indy version only supports 1.0.2 OpenSSL version, this means that next year, these libraries won't receive more updates because OpenSSL Team won't release more updates for 1.0 API. To fix this, I've implemented OpenSSL 1.1 support for Indy (requires Custom Indy Package). So TLS 1.3 version is supported in client and server components based on Indy.

Demo chat has been updated to show how OpenSSL 1.1 works (you can download compiled demos if you don't want install beta package).

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sgcWebSockets 4.3.2 with Custom Indy Package supports ALPN, this protocol is being used more and more and is needed for protocols like HTTP2.

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