Friday, 06 May 2022
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I see lots of information but I am looking to build a client app that enables me to play videos on desktop and mobile applications. What can I try as a demo and what do I need to purchase in order to build these applications?
2 years ago

The AppRTC demo is a server application that enables video-conferencing between 2 peers. This application is built with the sgcWebSockets Enterprise Edition and includes the WebSocket Server for the Signaling part of WebRTC, and STUN/TURN server to exchange audio/video between peers. The clients must be web-browsers, so if you plan to run in Windows or Android, requires the use of a web browser with support for WebRTC.

The AppRTC demo can be found in the folder: 30.WebRTC_Protocol\01.AppRTC
The required edition is Enterprise, the prices can be found here:

Kind Regards,
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