You can create an Android service which connects to a MQTT server and push notifications to device. There is a Demo called "AndroidService" which shows this using a simple websocket client. You only must attach MQTT protocol to websocket client to allow connection to your MQTT Server.
Hello Sergio
at the same demo I attached MQTT to websocket and mqtt connected and subscribed to a topic, the app successfully connected and notified me about the subscription.
The problem: there is no notification when another MQTT client sends message but the mqtt in app(service) not received this message, and not rising notification.
how to solve this problem.
thank you
Hello Sergio
Thank you for your reply.
The demo is the one you mentioned in your last reply in previous question.
(There is a Demo called "AndroidService" which shows this using a simple websocket client. You only must attach MQTT protocol to websocket client to allow connection to your MQTT Server.)
The probloem solved, there was an error in naming subscribed topic, due to letters wrong cases (capital and small letters)
After all, thank you for your kindnesses.
Have a good day.