Friday, 13 March 2020
  8 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Everything is fine when the application is for Windows, but for Android it tries to locate in link libvclx.a libvcl.a and libimg.a files that don't really exist.
checking "Remove this reference" the build can be done, but ... every time!

It is useless to disable the verification of libraries, since the only thing that is achieved is that the messages do not appear, but the error occurs when linking.
If you edit the .cbproj manually, the errors disappear until the .cbproj is generated again by the IDE.

How the problem is solved?
5 years ago
Accepted Answer

There are 2 problems in your project.

1. Seems your project was created with a old version of sgcWebSockets (I get an error of a published property which is now only public) and your project links to Delphi Packages, but you must install CBuilder package instead. So, uninstall first sgcWebSocketsD10_3 and install sgcWebSocketsC10_3.

2. Edit your POSBra.cbproj to delete references to these packages. At this moment, you are linking to:


And you must linkt to these:


With these modifications I've been able to compile your projects for Android. The problem you refer to embarcadero discussion was fixed installing CBuilder packages (and some more which were not related to this issue).

Kind Regards,
5 years ago

I've created a sample project from scratch, using Delphi 10.3.3 for CBuider and I don't get these errors. Did you add "libD10_3\android" folder in your "Include Path" of your Android project? If doesn't works, send me your sample and I will test in my device.

I added the path, but it still doesn't work, it was logical. those libraries are being added because it is believed to be in VCL instead of FMX.
There is no vlc.a or vclx.a etc, vlc is for Windows, for Android it is FMX.

In the following link there is a discussion from 2015 with exactly the same problem.

I have sent to a wetranfer link with the project.
5 years ago
Accepted Answer

There are 2 problems in your project.

1. Seems your project was created with a old version of sgcWebSockets (I get an error of a published property which is now only public) and your project links to Delphi Packages, but you must install CBuilder package instead. So, uninstall first sgcWebSocketsD10_3 and install sgcWebSocketsC10_3.

2. Edit your POSBra.cbproj to delete references to these packages. At this moment, you are linking to:


And you must linkt to these:


With these modifications I've been able to compile your projects for Android. The problem you refer to embarcadero discussion was fixed installing CBuilder packages (and some more which were not related to this issue).

Kind Regards,
True, I had an old trial version installed, I compiled and installed the Delphi version because when I linked, I requested the Delphi .bpl, I suppose that the old version had been installed.
I try to uninstall everything, and manually remove all the rest I see.
I will report the result.
Thank you.
I can't get the components to appear if I just install the .... C10_3,
and the references to libvcl in the project appear again as soon as a modification is made.
However I have found a "solution", I have renamed a library to anyone as libvcl.a libvclx.a etc and the linker has been fooled.

When I have more time I will try the whole process again.
Thank you.
5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.
Hello ,I need a VCLIMG.LIB Component in Delphi compilator , when executing that is the error: [ILINK32 Erreur] Error: Error processing module C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\FR\RELEASE\VCLIMG.LIB
4 years ago

vclimg.lib is a file included in Rad Studio, check if this file is in another folder, mine is in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\lib\release

If not, try to reinstall your Rad Studio version or contact embarcadero.

Kind regards,

Hello ,I need a VCLIMG.LIB Component in Delphi compilator , when executing that is the error: [ILINK32 Erreur] Error: Error processing module C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\EMBARCADERO\RAD STUDIO\7.0\LIB\FR\RELEASE\VCLIMG.LIB
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