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You need to login before you can view or download document
  Anonymous User
  Monday, 23 March 2020
  3.5K Visits
Would you have an example for client in React to consume a sgc websocket server?
4 years ago
You can use the following sample code, it opens a connection to localhost server listening port 5414.
When connects to server, sends the message "Message from react".

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export class sgcWebSockets extends Component {
static displayName = sgcWebSockets.name;

constructor(props) {
this.ws = WebSocket
this.websocketOpen = this.websocketOpen.bind(this);

websocketOpen() {

this.ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:5414')

this.ws.onopen = () => {
// connected
this.ws.send('Message from react')
this.ws.onmessage = evt => {
// listen to data sent from the websocket server
const message = JSON.parse(evt.data)

this.ws.onclose = () => {
// disconnected

render() {
return (
<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={this.websocketOpen}>Connect</button>

Kind regards,
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