I'm new to sgcWebsockets and I'm looking for a component to send and receive Messages with AMQP 1.0.
I install the Trial and use the ClientAMQP1-Demo for receiving messages from a ActivMQ-Server. Generally it work fine, but if I want to receive a bigger amount of messages I get an exception "#exception: Invalid Frame Size: 32737. Maximum Frame Size: 16384. "
In the AMQPOptions the MaxFrameSize is 2147483647.
Where I can configure the MaxFrameSize fro incoming messages?
There was an error in the validation of the Value of the MaxFrameSize, it was taken the value of the server instead of the client.
I've fixed it, which Delphi version are you using for the trial? I'll send you a link to download an updated trial.
Thanks for the feedback.