Saturday, 30 April 2022
  2 Replies
  1.4K Visits
I am attempting to install the Trial version of WebSockets onto Delphi 11. I want to test the ability to write sockets for Linux and I'm running into issues when I select Linux 64-bit. Issue: I am able to 'build' for Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit. However, when I attempt to build for Linux 64-bit, I receive the following error: sgcWebSocketsD11.dpk(258): F1026 File not found: '..SourcesgcJSON.pas' Is this a limitation with the trial?
2 years ago

I am sorry, but the trial doesn't include the compiled files for Linux64.

Kind Regards,
2 years ago
Thank you for the response. I have some follow-on questions, but I'll post them in the 'pre-sales' forum.

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