Sunday, 01 May 2022
  2 Replies
  1.1K Visits
Pre Sales Question:

My specific use case is that I require a web app (a dashboard) that allows a user to monitor and control various services running on a Linux server.

I need the web app to be able to do the following:
- query a Linux server and request information about various services (health, contents of text based config files, logs, etc)
- write changes to various text files on the Linux server
- execute commands on the Linux server (such as restart a service, etc)
- authentication is required - as I don't want non-authorized apps communicating with the Linux servers via the listening ports
- SSL is required - as I don't want anyone being able to sniff the traffic and gain access to the data being send back and forth
- when the state of a service changes on the Linux server, I would like this information to be updated as soon as possible on the dashboard
- this list of requirements will grow over time.

I am currently using uniGUI to develop the web app portion of my project. Right now, I have the web server running on the same Linux server that I need to monitor and control; and this model is working fine. However, this approach does not scale. It restricts me to only controlling one Linux server per web app. Therefore, I want to host the web server as a stand-alone service and simply communicate with each Linux servers that I need to control.

I would like to use web sockets to enable the communication between the web server (Linux or Windows based) and the Linux Server running the services I need to monitor and control. I acknowledge that I can use the Indy TCP client/server components, but time is money and I like the idea of using a product that simplifies the nut and bolts of tcp comms. Additionally, the list of requirements is very likely going to grow, and I'd like to future proof the project by investing in a product that will let me add new features relatively easy.

Based on these requirements, I was looking at the sgcWebSockets Standard license which looks like it will cover my short list of requirements. My only concern is that 'Server Components' feature shows a red X. Does this mean the Standard license does not include the ability to host a server?

If I find that the current license is missing features, am I able to upgrade, and if so, are there additional fees other than the price difference?

I was going to evaluate using the Trial - but the trial does not support Linux.

Thank you,

2 years ago
Hi Sergio,

Thank you for responding to my post on the weekend! I really appreciate the support.

2 years ago

sgcWebSockets has 3 editions: Standard, Professional and Enterprise. If you need server components, only Professional and Enterprise include the server components. If you need Linux64, only source code editions allows to compile for Linux64 (so the BASIC edition is not an option for you).

I've compiled a trial for linux64 so you can test the sgcWebSockets trial in your de development machine, I've sent the link to your private email account. You can find below the instructions to install the package.

Kind Regards,
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