Sunday, 29 December 2019
  1 Replies
  3.7K Visits

I want know can make TURN, and STUN server with esegece WebSocket library??
maybe it can be, can record streaming video and audio data to files??
can i get any demonstartion files?

p.s : sorry for my english
4 years ago

There are 2 demos,one simple webrtc demo and one based on Google webrtc demo. All those demos use websocket as signaling protocol, so you need a websocket server (which is provided with websocket library) and stun/turn server (which is not provided). Video is supported by stun server and chat messages and signaling by websocket server.

There are some free stun/turn server as open source code, but these are not included with sgcWebsockets package.

To record image and video files, you must check if webrtc supports this.

Kind Regards,
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