Tuesday, 06 December 2022
  7 Replies
  1.1K Visits
I tested the compiled demo provided by you, including the online demo provided by you. After the client browser starts sharing, other clients cannot enter through the room ID, and the window is always black. What is the situation?
1 year ago

I will check the demo, maybe there is something wrong or misconfigured.

Kind Regards,
1 year ago
Which webbrowser do you use? if you are using chrome, sometimes requires to enable the video controls manually. Just right click and select "Show all controls" and then push play to view the video.
1 year ago
Hello, I have tested it with chrome edge firefox. For example, with our online Demo, I opened a room and entered the room number with other machines to join. After clicking, no screen came out.

I found an external network server to test the compiled Demo we provided, which is also the case, but there is no problem in testing audio conferencing and video conferencing
1 year ago
After clicking to join the room, this is the screen

Attachments (1)
1 year ago

I've updated the screen-sharing online demo to fix those error, please try again and let me know if works for you.


Chrome has some limitation about auto-play, so I've enabled the video controls, to just enable play if it's not enabled automatically.

Kind Regards,
1 year ago
Thank you very much, I can test it with chrome, but there are still some problems with edge. But this has solved the problem, and I have ordered the enterprise version today, but you haven't shipped it yet.
1 year ago

The credentials have been sent automatically, check your spam folder, probably are there.

Kind Regards,
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