Anonymous User
  Thursday, 05 December 2019
  1 Replies
  2.7K Visits
When i'm sending the messegage , according to the log i'm sendig some kind of encrypted data (after the delphi code is one line of log)
I'm Using The Client Connected to a Socketio 2, mi code is very simple :

///code delphi , the wsclient is always active//

//end code delphi//

///Begin log file
Recv 13-05-2019 09:00:12: HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 6rTZu94jGoaW91aDdYOKgxUa614=

Sent 13-05-2019 09:00:13: þ ¶aãŘUÑžº ‘³µ –«ì ÁéãC—¬è Áÿº –«ì Áéº
‚¶ìCÙó¡PÍð´C ¬üCÙó¡PÍ÷ªMÁ¤ë
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Sent 13-05-2019 09:00:13: þ ¶ J )7xL p8a s?y]bh;R!>~Ylh- s?y]bh; o+d]!p! 2d" !(~M!p! 2d% /hvZhh- :{9 4f5_b8gJwh- 3d' 2}$ 7|' 0|$ 3y; w8rGg(~M!p5 !f5]q/yMb9| 9h< /hqL`"v 9h% 2s: 6g& !f5Al8v 9h' 9z' 2y5 !/d]b.x 9hX ~
Sent 13-05-2019 09:00:13: þ ¶ü‹Á­È¹š ù·€Œþ¯Ù ©íÖÞÿ¨Ý“©û Œþ¯Ù ©í ê²ÙÞ±÷”Í¥ô Þé¨ÉÞ±÷”Í¥óŸÐ© Þ—©û›Åºï•Ë§ãÛ ù±Îˆ©û€Ì¥ñŸÍ¼òžÈ½ñ•Ï½ò Ì¸í ˆù¤Ã˜é¨ÉÞ±ã†Þ§ãÙŽî¯É øª Æ©ê Щ§ÈŸã Æ©ó Ͳì ɦðžÞ§ãÅ“ù Æ©ñ”Æ»ñ—͸ã Þî²Ù ï® Æ©Ž Ö
Recv 13-05-2019 09:00:13: ˆ
Stat Disconnected.

//end log file//

Many thanks
Best regards
4 years ago

These characters are websocket messages masked. All messages sent from client to server must be masked, this is a requirement of websocket protocol. Don't worry about this, is a normal behavior.

Kind Regards
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