Sunday, 24 April 2022
  1 Replies
  1K Visits
Hi ,
1- I m an individual. How does the license cost for me for an private usage ?
2- I've tried web sockets client for .NET (on visual studio 2017) and it works well but I cannot find examples and complete documentation ?

2 years ago

Find below my answers to your questions:

1- I m an individual. How does the license cost for me for an private usage ?

There is a community edition which is free, the only limitation is that from time to time it shows a nag screen. Then, there is another license which costs 149€ without the nag screen and provides the source code of interfaces and 1 year of free updates.

2- I've tried web sockets client for .NET (on visual studio 2017) and it works well but I cannot find examples and complete documentation ?

You can find online help from

The demos are inside the demos folder of the package. You can download already compiled demo from the downloads page

Kind regards,
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