Saturday, 17 August 2024
  2 Replies
  828 Visits
In my last post on that I was very optimistic to get this done with the Yubico fido2.dll and the delhi code that can be found in GitHub ( but I must admit that I failes as this is very complicated for me to adapt to my situation and also it does not support all auth formats (only none and packed).

What I am searching for is a kind of library that supports generating and verifying the registration JSON Data on the server and also supports the authentication as well while leaving storing and retrieveing the credential keys and infos completely up to the application.

I found a c# library that is MIT II licensed and passes al the fido2 tests, I can compile it with visual studio 2022 but I have no idea how to interface it with my Delphi system. This project can be found here: This one seems to me most promising as it supports all kinds of attestation and is findo2 compliant with a MIT license and is actively developed.

If there is anybody around who could deliver a solution in the next months using that library and an indy http server by writing a Delphi interface and also would deliver example javascript for registering and logging in I am willing to pay for it (if I can afford it). The problem: I need it by november at the latest.

I will also work on this interface but I have a lot of other project work currently.

Kind Regards from Germany, Michael
6 months ago

I'm working on this spec, currently I am reading the specifications for implementing WebAuthn on the server side, but I've not an ETA. Seems there are a lot of things to implement, so not sure when will be available for production, anyway I'll publish betas with the progress.

Kind Regards,
6 months ago
Hello Sergio,

Sounds great. IMHO this is quite complicated and perhaps it makes sense just to interface a library like the one I mentioned in my first post, as this seems to contain the complete functionality and is actively maintained.

However, I am looking forward to your solution because I am sure it well be a good one (like all your work). In parallel I work on interfacing the fido2dll from Github in my spare time.

Best Regards,

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