I bet there's a simple thing I am overlooking: I am uploading a Google-CalendarAPI event with say 28.03.2023 12:00, TimeZone set to "Europe/Vienna". Immediately after uploading the calendar event is shown in the google calendar as 13:00 and when downloading, it is retreived as 13:00 with TimeZone "Europe/Vienna"- What am I doing wrong with the daylight savings time?
If you are using the TsgcHTTP_Google_Cloud_Options component, although the Timezone property was defined, all the datetime values were converted first to UTC. I've fixed it, and now if there is a TimeZone then the datetime is not converted first to UTC. Thanks for the feedback.
Next release, if you use the timezone, it should work well, because it takes the timestamp and the TimeZone as Google expects.
Well yes, implcitly, since we're using HTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client which itself uses TsgcHTTP_Google_Cloud_Options, we're using this object.
In other words, people using the current implementation with a workaround to add or subtract an hour will have to remoe this workaround with the next release?