I have small binance client, which subscribe some streams. All is ok, but after network failure (restart interface on mikrotik f.e.), no disconnection event is throwed. So I add
Binance.Client.HeartBeat.Interval := 10;
Binance.Client.HeartBeat.Timeout := 20;
Binance.Client.HeartBeat.Enabled := true;
Before Cli.Active := true;
The Cli.OnDisconnect is then throwed on HeartBeat event.
On Windows, all is ok (yes, I understand, that there is about 30s delay), I restarted my client, restarted subscriptions, and after some seconds, data arrived. But, on Linux64, when the HeartBeat event raises for the first time, then, after some seconds (about 30+-) the onDisconnect is trhowed again and again.
It seemslike on Linux, heartbeat is testing all connection, but as I'm very new in sgc, problem maybe somewhere
Could you help me?
Many thanks