sgcWebSockets 4.4.9

Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.9: [+] : New property "HttpUploadFiles" in HTTP Servers (TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer and TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI). Allows to save the POST streams received as FileStreams so server can receive big files without getting out of memory exception. [+] : New Demo ...

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Apple Push Notifications - Certificates Based Connections to APNs (Part 4/4)

In the latest entry blog about Apple Push Notifications, I show how use certificates to authenticate against Apple Push Servers. First enter in your developer account and create a new certificate for Apple Push Notification service Once you have downloaded your certificate, the sgcWebSockets HTTP/2 client allows to use 2 security IOHandlers (only f...

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Apple Push Notifications - Token Based Connections to APNs (Part 3/4)

In this blog I will show how configure the sgcWebSockets JWT Client to send authenticated HTTP/2 requests to Apple Push Notification Servers. Secure your communications with Apple Push Notification service (APNs) by using stateless authentication Tokens. First you must obtain an Encryption Key and a Key ID from Apple Developer Account. Once a ...

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Apple Push Notifications - Send HTTP/2 notifications (Part 2/4)

In the previous blog, I show how retrieve a device token, now I will show how use the HTTP/2 sgcWebSockets client to send a notification (without the authentication part). Send your remote notification payload and device token information to Apple Push Notification service (APNs). How Connect to APNs You must use HTTP/2 protocol and at least TLS 1....

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OAuth2 Client Credentials

OAuth2 Client Component now supports Client Credentials as grant type, this type of grant is commonly used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the background, without immediate interaction with a user. These types of applications are often referred to as daemons or service accounts. OAuth2 Flow Client Credentials  Azure OAuth2 G...

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HTTP Post Big Files

sgcWebSockets Servers allow to Post Big Files without affecting the server memory.  When a HTTP client sends a multipart/form-data stream, the stream is saved by server in memory. When the files are big, the server can get an out of memory exception, to avoid these exceptions, the server has a property called HTTPUploadFiles where you can conf...

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openSSL 1.1.1k

The latest openSSL libraries have been compiled and updated for sgcWebSockets users with an active license, the following libraries are available: 1. Windows322. Windows643. OSX644. Android645. iOS64 Read the following QuickStart about openSSL to get more info about how configure sgcWebSockets with openSSL libraries:

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sgcWebSockets 4.4.8

 Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.8: [+] : New Component TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client, allows to encode and sign JWT Tokens as Authentication Bearers in HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and WebSocket Client Components. [+] : New Component TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server, allows to decode and validate JWT Tokens as Authentica...

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JWT Delphi Server

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.8 JWT Tokens are supported on Server Components. The TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server component allows to decode and validate JWT tokens received in WebSocket Handshake when using WebSocket protocol or as HTTP Header when using HTTP protocol. Configuration  You can configure the following properties in the JWTOptions property of the ...

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JWT Delphi Client

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.8 JWT is supported on Client components like WebSocket Client and HTTP/2 Client. The TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client component allows to encode and sign JWT Tokens, attached to a WebSocket Client or HTTP/2 client, the token will be sent automatically as an Authorization Bearer Token Header. Configuration   You can configure the...

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