sgcWebSockets 2022.3.0

Rad Studio  Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version: [+] : New sgcWebSockets Package Installer, install and register sgcWebSockets Library. [+] : New IDE AddOn, allows to automatically login from Rad Studio IDE and access to private downloads, support, forum... and more. [+] : New Component OAuth2 ...

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Authorization using External OAuth2 Providers

From sgcWebSockets 2022.3.0, you can use external OAuth2 Providers to Authenticate the Requests received by your server. The OAuth2 Server Provider Component allows to integrate External OAuth2 Providers (like Azure AD, Google, Facebook...) in your server component (like an HTP server), so an user can login using the Azure AD credentials and if the...

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New sgcWebSockets Windows Installer

sgcWebSockets for Delphi or CBuilder now can be installed using a windows setup, this installer uses the fantastic Innosetup application. The installer copies the required files, build the packages, install the design-time package and register the required paths in the Rad Studio IDE. Installer Find below step by step how install the package (...

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Telegram Sponsored Messages

From sgcWebSockets 2022.3.0, Sponsored Messages are supported. Sponsored Messages requires Telegram 1.8.0+, so the Telegram libraries have been updated to support this feature. Sponsored messages on Telegram are displayed in large public one-to-many channels with 1000+ subscribers and are limited to 160 characters. Sponsored Messages are based sole...

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Delphi Kucoin Futures API Client

From sgcWebSockets 2022.3.0, Kucoin Futures API is supported. Kucoin is an international multi-language cryptocurrency exchange. It offers some APIs to access Kucoin data. The following APIs are supported: WebSocket streams: allows to subscribe to some methods and get data in real-time. Events are pushed to clients by server to subscribers. Us...

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Delphi Kucoin API Client

From sgcWebSockets 2022.3.0, Kucoin API is supported. Currently the following APIs are implemented: WebSocket streams: allows to subscribe to some methods and get data in real-time. Events are pushed to clients by server to subscribers. Uses WebSocket as protocol.REST API: clients can request to server market and account data. Requires an API Key, ...

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sgcWebSockets 2022.2.0

Rad Studio  Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version: [+] : Improved Amazon AWS IoT Client, SignatureV4 has a new property "OpenSSL_Options" which allows to configure the openSSL library options. [+] : Improved HTTP.SYS server, now THttpServerResponse has a new propery "FileName" where you can set t...

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sgcWebSockets 2022.1.0

Rad Studio  Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in this version: [+] : New Component TsgcWSPClient_AMQP, implements AMQP 0.9.1 protocol. [+] : New Demo AMQP which shows how works AMQP client, it's located in "02.WebSocket_Protocols\10.AMQP_Client" folder. [+] : Improved BITMEX API Client, REST API is now suppo...

Continue reading API Delphi and .NET

From sgcWebSockets 2022.1, the Servers are supported by our Binance API Client. The following APIs are supported: WebSocket streams: allows to subscribe to some methods and get data in real-time. Events are pushed to clients by server to subscribers. Uses WebSocket as protocol.UserData stream: subscribed clients get account details. Requ...

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Bitmex Delphi Client Updated

From sgcWebSockets 2022.1, the Bitmex REST API is supported, this means that now you can place orders, cancel existing orders, get executions, position... and much more. Place Orders  The Bitmex REST API offer public and private endpoints. The Private endpoints requires that messages signed to increase the security of transactions. First you m...

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