Delphi Kucoin API Client

From sgcWebSockets 2022.3.0, Kucoin API is supported. Currently the following APIs are implemented:

  • WebSocket streams: allows to subscribe to some methods and get data in real-time. Events are pushed to clients by server to subscribers. Uses WebSocket as protocol.
  • REST API: clients can request to server market and account data. Requires an API Key, Secret and Passphrase to authenticate and uses HTTPs as protocol.

How Connect and Subscribe to WebSocket Feed

In order to connect to Kucoin WebSocket API, just create a new Kucoin API client and attach to TsgcWebSocketClient.

See below an example:

oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oKucoin := TsgcWSAPI_Kucoin.Create(nil);
oKucoin.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True; 

Kucoin offers a variety of channels where you can subscribe to get real-time updates of market data, orders... Find below a sample of how subscribe to a Ticker:

oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oKucoin := TsgcWSAPI_Kucoin.Create(nil);
oKucoin.Client := oClient;

procedure OnMessage(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aText: string);
// here you will receive the ticker updates

How Place New Orders 

Kucoin allows to trade with spot using his REST API.

First you must create an API Key in your Kucoin account and add privileges to trading with Spot.

Once this is done, you can start spot trading.

First, set your ApiKey, ApiSecret and Passphrase in the Kucoin Client Component, this will be used to sign the requests sent to Kucoin server.

// Place Market Order 1 BTC-USDT
oKucoin := TsgcWSAPI_Kucoin.Create(nil);
oKucoin.Kucoin.ApiKey := '<api key>';
oKucoin.Kucoin.ApiSecret := '<api secret>';
oKucoin.Kucoin.Passphrase := '<passphrase>';
ShowMessage(oKucoin.REST_API.PlaceMarketOrder(kosBuy, 'BTC-USDT', 1));

// Place Limit Order 1 BTC-USDT at 40000
oKucoin := TsgcWSAPI_Kucoin.Create(nil);
oKucoin.Kucoin.ApiKey := '<api key>';
oKucoin.Kucoin.ApiSecret := '<api secret>';
oKucoin.Kucoin.Passphrase := '<passphrase>';
ShowMessage(oKucoin.REST_API.PlaceLimitOrder(kosBuy, 'BTC-USDT', 1, 40000)); 
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Delphi Kucoin Futures API Client
sgcWebSockets 2022.2.0

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