The method PublishMessages is used to send a message to the AMQP server.
AMQP Servers automatically bind the queues to "direct" exchange using the queue name as routing key. This allows to send a message to a specific queue without the need to declare a binding (just calling PublishMessage method and pasing the Exchange argument as empty value and the name of the queue in the RoutingKey argument).
The method has the following arguments:
AMQP.PublishMessage('channel_name', 'exchange_name', 'routing_key', 'Hello from sgcWebSockets!!!'); procedure OnAMQPBasicReturn(Sender: TObject; const aChannel: string; const aReturn: TsgcAMQPFramePayload_Method_BasicReturn; const aContent: TsgcAMQPMessageContent); begin DoLog('#AMQP_basic_return: ' + aChannel + ' ' + IntToStr(aReturn.ReplyCode) + ' ' + aReturn.ReplyText + ' ' + aContent.Body.AsString); end;
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