AWS Cognito and OAuth2

sgcWebSockets library supports OAuth2 Authentication in Server and Client components, next version will include a new feature required by AWS Cognito service, when you try to authenticate using OAuth2 with Cognito, the service requires that the Server listens on a Secure port, so now OAuth2 Client component can use SSL/TLS encryption layer.

The LocalServerOptions property has been updated to allow SSL and configure the certificates, TLS version and more.

Local Server Options 

The LocalServerOptions property of TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client has been updated to allow enable SSL connections and you can configure the certificate, password, listening port, tls version and more.

Usually setting the certificate file and the listening SSL port will be enough to allow OAuth2 client connect with AWS Cognito Services.

Find below a video which shows how connect to AWS cognito using sgcWebSockets OAuth2 client component.

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