WebSocket Client Before Connect and Before WatchDog

WebSocket Client can be customized with some of the events available. There are 2 new events added to the latest version: OnBeforeConnect: this event is called just before the client tries to connect to server OnBeforeWatchDog: sgcWebSocket client has a built-in method to reconnect after a disconnection called WatchDog, this event is called before ...

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sgcWebSockets 4.4.6

Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.6: [+] : New Event OnBeforeForwardHTTP on Server Components, allows to forward an HTTP request to another server. (Thanks to Olaf for his suggestion). [+] : New Event OnAfterForwardHTTP on Server Components, allows to know the response from HTTP Forwarded Req...

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Facial Recognition

From sgcBiometrics 2.0, Facial Recognition is supported using a compatible Windows Hello camera, this allows to monitor if there is a human person in front of the camera (you can know if there is someone, identify, arrives, departs and more). Facial Recognition and Identification is supported too. Facial Recognition is only supported by system...

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Forward HTTP Requests

From  sgcWebSockets 4.4.6, forward HTTP requests is supported. Reverse proxy is useful when there is a single server listening on a public port and behind it there are other servers that cannot be accessed from a public address.  Example: you can serve all HTTP requests using our sgcWebSockets server and forward to another serve...

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Telegram Send Message with Buttons

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.6, the telegram client has been improved to support send messages with buttons (only supported when you login as a bot). The methods to send a message have been modified to add a new parameter where you can send the Callback and URL Buttons. Before you send a message create an instance of the class TsgcTelegramReplyMarkupInli...

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Service Accounts Google Cloud PubSub

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.6, the Google Cloud PubSub client components adds a new authentication protocol. Till now, only OAuth2 protocol was supported, now Authenticate using JWT is supported too. This means that you can run a service or an automated application with the need to authenticate using a Web-Browser like with OAuth2. There is a new proper...

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FastMM4 vs FastMM5 vs FastMM4-AVX

Recently a new version of FastMM, developed by Pierre le Riche, has been released, the new version is called FastMM5 and has been rewritten to improve the performance on multi threaded applications, can be configured for better speed or less memory usage and more. Support from Delphi XE3 Compiler and can used on Windows32 and Windows64. FastMM...

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HTTP/2 Server Push

A new feature has been added to Indy Servers, now Server Push is supported by sgcWebSockets library. HTTP usually works with Request/Response pattern, where client REQUEST a resource to SERVER and SERVER sends a RESPONSE with the resource requested or an error. Usually the client, like a browser, makes a bunch of requests for those assets...

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File not found bplrtl270.dylib

Compiling sgcWebSockets in Rad Studio 10.4.1, some users reported problems compiling under OSX64, they get this error: Directory not found for option 'Lc:\Program Files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\21.0\redist\OSX64 file not found bplrtl270.dylib Fix bplrtl270.dylib error Seems latest Rad Studio version breaks something, and some required files are mis...

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HTTP/2 Conformance Tests

sgcWebSockets supports HTTP/2 protocol on Server and Client components, implementation is made in 100% pure Delphi code without using any external library. We have tested our HTTP/2 implementation using h2spec which is a great tool for testing HTTP/2 protocol https://github.com/summerwind/h2spec The sgcWebSockets HTTP/2 Server and Client compo...

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sgcWebSockets 4.4.5

Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.5: [+] : New Component TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server, server implementation of OAuth2 protocol, allows to Authorize and Issue Access Tokens to OAuth2 clients. [+] : New Demo which shows how enable OAuth2 on Server Components (is located in folder Demos\20.HTTP_Proto...

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OAuth2 Customize Sign-In HTML

When an OAuth2 client do a request to get a new Access Token, a Web-Page is shown in a web-browser to Allow this connection and login with an User and Password. The HTML page is included by default in Server component, but this code can be customized using OnAuth2BeforeDispatchPage event. procedure OnOAuth2BeforeDispatchPage(Sender: TObject; OAuth2...

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OAuth2 Server Allow none authenticated requests

By default, when OAuth2 is enabled on Server Side, all the HTTP Requests require Authentication using Bearer Tokens. If you want allow some URLs to be accessed without the need of use a Bearer Token, you can use the event OnOAuth2BeforeRequest Find below a sample code which shows the use of the event. procedure OnOAuth2BeforeRequest(Sender: TObject...

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OAuth2 Server Register Apps

Before a new OAuth2 is requested by a client, the App must be registered in the server. Register a new App requires the following information:   App Name: is the name of the Application. Example: MyApp  RedirectURI: is where the responses will be redirected. Example:  ClientId: is public information and is the I...

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OAuth2 Server Endpoints

By default, the OAuth2 Server uses the following Endpoints:   Authorization: /sgc/oauth2/auth   Token: /sgc/oauth2/token Which means that if your server listens on IP and port 8443, the full OAuth2 Endpoints will be:   Authorization:   Token:

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OAuth2 Server Authorization

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.5 OAuth2 protocol is supported on Server Components. OAuth2 allows third-party applications to receive a limited access to an HTTP service which is either on behalf of a resource owner or by allowing a third-party application obtain access on its own behalf. Thanks to OAuth2, service providers and consumer applications can in...

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Worldpay WebSocket STOMP API

Worldpay offers direct integration using WebSockets + STOMP protocols. You can access to Worldpay API using sgcWebSockets library, just need a TsgcWebSocketClient and STOMP Protocol client in order to connect to this API Find below a sample code to connect to Worldpay using sgcWebSockets library Delphi Example  // create websocket clientoClien...

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sgcWebSockets 4.4.4

These are the features included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.4 [+] : New Component TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client, allows to use Google Calendar API V3: get Calendars, events, synchronize with your own calendar... [+] : New Demo GoogleCalendar which shows the main features of Google Calendar Client. [+] : New method "PublishAndWait" in MQTT Client, th...

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WatchDog Monitor Server

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.4 a new property Monitor has been added to WatchDog feature, WatchDog.Monitor allows to verify if new clients can connect to server, this is done by an internal client that tries to open a WebSocket connection to server, if fails, it restart the server.  To monitor if clients can connect to server with a Time Out of 10 s...

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Telegram Client and Proxies

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.4, the Telegram Client supports Proxy connections. Telegram Client can be configured to make of use of a proxy. Currently, Telegram supports 3 types of proxies: 1. HTTP 2. MTProto 3. Socks5 Add Proxy  In order to configure a HTTP Proxy, first you must add the proxy to telegram configuration, to do this, just call Ad...

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