The ByBit Client API has been upgraded to V5 version. The following Protocols are supported:
You can configure the following properties in the Bybit property.
When the client successfully connects to Bybit servers, the event OnConnect is fired. After the event OnConnect is fired, then you can start to send and receive messages to/from Bybit servers. If you are connecting to the private websocket channel, you must wait till OnBybitAuthentication event is fired and check if the success parameter is true, before subscribe to any channel.
The client supports several APIs, so use the property BybitClient to set which API you want to use:
Find below an example of connecting to WebSocket Spot Private API.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil); oBybit := TsgcWSAPI_Bybit.Create(nil); oBybit.Client := oClient; oBybit.Bybit.ApiKey := 'alsdjk23kandfnasbdfdkjhsdf'; oBybit.Bybit.ApiSecret := 'aldskjfk3jkadknfajndsjfj23j'; oBybit.BybitClient := bybSpot; oClient.Active := True; procedure OnConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection); begin DoLog('#Bybit Connected'); end;
After a successful connection to the Spot WebSocket Server, you can start to subscribe to WebSocket channels, just access the REST_API property and then call any of the subscribe/unsubscribe methods available
Find below an example of subscribing to the Private Spot Websocket Channels after a successful authentication.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil); oBybit := TsgcWSAPI_Bybit.Create(nil); oBybit.Client := oClient; oBybit.Bybit.ApiKey := 'alsdjk23kandfnasbdfdkjhsdf'; oBybit.Bybit.ApiSecret := 'aldskjfk3jkadknfajndsjfj23j'; oBybit.BybitClient := bybSpot; oClient.Active := True; procedure OnBybitAuthentication(Sender: TObject; aSuccess: Boolean; const aError, aRawMessage: string) begin if aSuccess then begin oClient.SubscribeOrderBook('BTCUSDT'); oClient.SubscribeTrade('BTCUSDT'); end; end;
Find below an example of Placing a Market Order
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil); oBybit := TsgcWSAPI_Bybit.Create(nil); oBybit.Client := oClient; oBybit.Bybit.ApiKey := 'alsdjk23kandfnasbdfdkjhsdf'; oBybit.Bybit.ApiSecret := 'aldskjfk3jkadknfajndsjfj23j'; oBybit.BybitClient := bybSpot; oBybit.REST_API.PlaceMarketOrder('BTCUSDT', bbosBuy, 1);
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