AMQP 1.0.0 Delphi Client

From sgcWebSockets 2024.2.0 AMQP 1.0.0 is supported. AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) 1.0.0 is a messaging protocol designed for reliable, asynchronous communication between distributed systems. It facilitates the exchange of messages between applications or components in a decoupled manner, allowing them to communicate without direct depen...

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Rad Studio Setup Updated

The installer setup for eSeGeCe customers have been updated and now implements the following new features: 1. A single setup is used for all sgcWebSockets source code editions. 2. Offline installation. 3. Third-party libraries included in the installer. 4. New Command Line parameters. 5. Added support for Rad Studio 12 One setup for All E...

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sgcIndy & DevExpress

When upgrading the sgcIndy version, some packages makes use of the Indy version, so there are some incompatibilities. Now the sgcIndy installer has a new option to be compiled in Compatibility Mode which allows to upgrade the sgcIndy version to the latest and allow other packages to be built using the latest sgcIndy version (like DevExpress). First...

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HTTP/2 Server Threads

From sgcWebSockets 2024.2.0 the HTTP/2 server has been improved when receiving HTTP/2 requests. Now, by default, when the server receives a new HTTP/2 request, this is queued and dispatched by one of threads of the Pool of Threads. This avoid the problem when several requests are sent using the same connection and those are processed sequentially. ...

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sgcWebSockets 2024.1

Rad Studio [+] : Added support for Lazarus 3.0 [+] : Improved Bybit API Client, the client has been upgraded to V5 API. [+] : Improved Demo "05.Crypto\01.CryptoAPI", it has been updated to show how the new Bybit endpoints work. [+] : Improved Bitmex REST API Client, the method "GetInstrumentsActive" has been implemented. [+] : Improved OpenAPI Clie...

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Bybit Client API V5

The ByBit Client API has been upgraded to V5 version. The following Protocols are supported: WebSocket API: connect to a websocket server and provides real-time market data updates, account changes and more.REST API: send HTTP requests to get market data, place orders, account data... Properties  You can configure the following properties in t...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.8

Rad Studio [+] : Added support for Rad Studio 12 Athens. [+] : Updated the Indy version to the latest. [+] : New Client API: CEX PLUS: cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform. Implement WebSocket protocol for private and public channels. [+] : Improved Demo "05.Crypto\01.CryptoAPI" which shows how CEX Plus client API works. [+] : Improved Indy...

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Delphi CEX Plus API Client

From sgcWebSockets 2023.8.0 the CEX.IO Plus API is supported. APIs supported WebSockets API: connect to a public websocket server and provides real-time market data updates. WebSockets API WebSocket is a TCP-based full-duplex communication protocol. Full-duplex means that both parties can send each other messages asynchronously using the same commu...

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Delphi Indy Server EC Certificates

Indy supports RSA and EC Certificates when using the openSSL libraries, but by default, the EC certificates can be created different curves and the openSSL libraries only are configured with some of these curves. So if you're using an EC Certificate that it's not included by the default by the openSSL libraries, the certificate won't work...

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Azure IoT Upload Files

Azure IoT allows to send data using several protocols like MQTT or AMQP, but in some cases, the size of the message is too big and requires to upload files to Azure Servers. To provide a solution to this issue IoT hub facilitates file uploads from connected devices by providing them with shared access signature (SAS) URIs on a per-upload basis...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.7

Rad Studio [+] : Improved the Presence Server Protocol, new "Broadcast" method which allows to send a message to all connected clients using this protocol or to clients subscribed to a specific channel. [+] : Improved the Kraken API Client, added the Private User Funding methods of the REST API. [+] : Improved the Bitstamp API Client, added the Web...

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Bitstamp API Client Updated

The Bitstamp API Client has been updated to include new features and API endpoints. Find below a list of the main features implemented: REST Public API: Tickers, Order Book, Transactions and Market InfoREST Private API: Account balance, orders and withdrawals.WebSocket Private Subscriptions: Orders and Trades. REST API REST API Public Methods Ticke...

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Azure OpenAI Service for Rad Studio

From sgcWebSockets 2023.7.0 the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service is supported.  Azure OpenAI Service can be used to create chatbots, generate text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content. As the platform continues to evolve, developers will be able to use it to build even more powerful and sophisticated applications. ...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.6

Rad Studio [+] : New Pinecone API Client, it's a vector database which provides long-term memory for AI using embeddings from AI models. [+] : New Demo showing the main features of Pinecone API, it's located in the folder "15.AI\10.Vector_Database\01.Pinecone". [+] : New TsgcAIDatabaseVectorFile, handles the OpenAI Embedding vectors using 2 files: ...

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Delphi Pinecone API client

From sgcWebSockets 2023.6.0 Pinecone API is supported. Pinecone is a vector database that allows to upload / query / delete vector data in an easy and powerful way.Pinecone has a public API that allows third-parties to integrate pinecone into it's own applications. The component TsgcHTTP_API_Pinecone is a wrapper over the Pinecone API. ...

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Customizing OpenAI with your Data (2 / 2)

In a previous post, we see how to use OpenAI Embeddings to add contextual information to OpenAI chat methods. Now, we'll see how to use the TsgcOpenAIEmbeddings component from sgcWebSockets package to build AI applications using our own data. In the post Delphi Voice ChatBot, we used the component TsgcAIOpenAIChatBot to build a ChatBot handled...

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Customizing OpenAI with your Data (1 / 2)

When we ask to OpenAI a question that requires some specific context, example: Who is my father? OpenAI can either hallucinate or answer that he doesn't know. To help OpenAI answer specific questions, you can provide extra contextual information in the prompt itself. My father lives in Barcelona and is 50 year's old. If we ask again to openAI the s...

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sgcWebSockets 2023.5

Rad Studio [+] : New TsgcAIOpenAIChatBot, is an OpenAI ChatBot Component, allowing to build a Voice Command ChatBot for Windows using OpenAI APIs and Text-To-Speech Providers like Google or Amazon. [+] : New TsgcAIOpenAITranslator, is an OpenAI Translator Component, allowing to build a Voice Command Translator Application for Windows using OpenAI A...

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Delphi Real-Time Translator

From sgcWebSockets 2023.5.0 building Real-Time Translators is more easy using OpenAI APIs and Text-To-Speech APIs from Windows, Google or Amazon. OpenAI translation building applications offer a multitude of advantages. They provide fast and accurate translations across multiple languages, enabling seamless communication and breaking down language ...

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Delphi Voice ChatBot

From sgcWebSockets 2023.5.0 building Voice ChatBots is more easy using OpenAI APIs and Text-To-Speech APIs from Windows, Google or Amazon. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants are Applications that can converse with humans in a natural, human-like manner. These can be used for customer support, handling queries, and providing information on a websi...

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