Coinbase WebSocket API

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.7, Coinbase WebSocket API is supported. Coinbase is a platform that allows to sell, buy and store cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin...

WebSocket API allow to receive in real-time ticker updates, status, tickers, book deepth and more.

How Connect to Coinbase

oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True; 

How Subscribe Ticker 

oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Client := oClient;

procedure OnCoinbaseMessage(Sender: TObject; aType, aRawMessage: string);
// here you will receive the ticker updates
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