Latest version is sgcWebsockets 4.3.5 and Delphi 7 is compiled against an specific Indy 10 version, you can download this version from:
Kind Regards,
Thanks Sergio.
Your version of Indy10 allowed me to install sgcWebSockets.4.1.2 successfully.
To test components are working I put an TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer on the Form and tried to run.
Unfortunately I got an error:
[Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): Unit sgcWebSocket_Classes was compiled with a different version of IdThread.TIdThread
Line 7 is just "uses sgcWebSocket_Classes" part.
Do you have any idea what is wrong?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. sgcWebsockets 4.3.5 is not freeware. As far as I know sgcWebSockets.4.1.2 is the last one having freeware license.