Friday, 06 March 2020
  5 Replies
  3.3K Visits
I'm trying to install sgcWebSockets.4.1.2 in Delphi 7.
I've installed Indy10 and set Library Paths of sgcWebSockets library as it's said in the install.txt

After that I got an error:
[Fatal Error] sgcWebSocketsD7.dpk(96): Unit sgcWebSocket_Helpers was compiled with a different version of IdGlobal.BytesToString

I tried various versions of Indy10:

Could you tell me which version of Indy10 is proper for sgcWebSockets.4.1.2 and Delphi 7?

4 years ago

Latest version is sgcWebsockets 4.3.5 and Delphi 7 is compiled against an specific Indy 10 version, you can download this version from:

Kind Regards,
4 years ago

Latest version is sgcWebsockets 4.3.5 and Delphi 7 is compiled against an specific Indy 10 version, you can download this version from:

Kind Regards,

Thanks Sergio.

Your version of Indy10 allowed me to install sgcWebSockets.4.1.2 successfully.
To test components are working I put an TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer on the Form and tried to run.
Unfortunately I got an error:
[Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): Unit sgcWebSocket_Classes was compiled with a different version of IdThread.TIdThread

Line 7 is just "uses sgcWebSocket_Classes" part.

Do you have any idea what is wrong?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. sgcWebsockets 4.3.5 is not freeware. As far as I know sgcWebSockets.4.1.2 is the last one having freeware license.
4 years ago
Most probably you still are pointing to another Indy version and this is why you are getting this error. Search in your machine any folder that cointains IdThread.pas or .dcu files and delete or move them so Delphi don't link to them. If you try to compile 4.1.2 for Delphi 7 with other Indy library you will get this error because compiled dcu files don't match.

4 years ago
Most probably you still are pointing to another Indy version and this is why you are getting this error. Search in your machine any folder that cointains IdThread.pas or .dcu files and delete or move them so Delphi don't link to them. If you try to compile 4.1.2 for Delphi 7 with other Indy library you will get this error because compiled dcu files don't match.


Thanks, Sergio.
I did as you suggested and everything got to work.

Thanks for your help!
4 years ago
Thanks for letting me know.

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